As a staffing company, you may be wondering about the typical duration of on-call shifts. At NoGigiddy, we understand that flexibility is key when it comes to on-demand staffing, and our on-call shifts reflect that.
On-call shifts typically last for a few hours, allowing workers to be available for short notice assignments without committing to a full day of work. This flexibility is beneficial for both workers and businesses, as it allows for quick response times and minimal disruption to schedules.
When partnering with staffing apps like Upshift, NoGigiddy can offer on-call shifts that can be posted directly on their platform. This provides an opportunity for workers to pick up additional shifts and for businesses to find reliable backup staffing on short notice.
At NoGigiddy, we believe in providing options for both workers and businesses, and our on-call shifts are just one of the many ways we can help meet your staffing needs.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can work with your staffing app to provide flexible on-demand staffing solutions.